CFC is proud to partner with the New Jersey Children’s System of Care. It is the expectation that our contracted providers adhere to the requirements set forth by NJ CSOC. These requirements can be found here.
MOU Process
To establish a partnership with the local Children's System of Care and Coordinated Family Care, these documents must be filled out and attached to the JotForm below.
Please note, all documents must be included in the form. Any incomplete forms received will not be reviewed.
Attendance of a New/Prospective Service Provider's Meeting is also required.
The next New/Prospective Service Provider Meeting will be held virtually on 9/25/24, from 10-11 am.
Signing into your Zoom account with your credentials is necessary in order to access these meetings. Please ensure that you are able to access the meeting by clicking on the link prior to the event time as assistance to troubleshoot is limited during the event. You can reach out to Resource Development Specialist, Samantha Haughton at 732-354-6191 for assistance. Thanks for your cooperation!
Providers are invited to a "Resource Fair" in October at Coordinated Family Care. CFC staff, DCPP, FSO, & MRSS will be in attendance to display important information about service offerings, referrals, and availability. Please only register for the fair if you've received an invitation. Thank you! More information to follow via ResourceNet. Be sure to have your current email address listed!