

Coordinated Family Care believes in a model of care that is family oriented and community based. The model of care is called wraparound. Wraparound places an emphasis on the strengths that each family has in order to support the family in their community. Wraparound is used in over 35 places throughout the nation. It has consistently produced improvements in the lives of children and families as well as helped to make their communities more proactive and safe.



Youth / families enrolled in CFC utilize a variety of both traditional and non-traditional services. CFC is always looking to partner with local agencies who share in our mission of keeping youth with their families and in their communities.



Your family can access help from Coordinated Family Care if you are the parent/guardian of a youth between the ages of 5 and 21 years old with social, emotional, and behavioral needs.

Community Members

Community Members

Coordinated Family Care is eager to partner with community agencies and representatives. We rely on community support!